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(Encyclopedia) MisratahMisratahmĭsräˈtä [key] or MisurataMisuratamēz&oomacr;räˈtä [key], city (1984 pop. 131,031), NW Libya, located in an oasis. A seaport on the Mediterranean Sea, the city…

McBain, Howard Lee

(Encyclopedia) McBain, Howard Lee, 1880–1936, American political scientist, b. Toronto, Ont., grad. Richmond (Va.) College, 1900, Ph.D. Columbia, 1907. After teaching at George Washington and…

Menzel Bourguiba

(Encyclopedia) Menzel BourguibaMenzel Bourguibamĕnzĕlˈ bərgēˈbə [key] or Manzil Abu RuqaybahManzil Abu Ruqaybahmănzĭlˈ äb&oomacr;ˈ r&oomacr;ˌkībäˈ [key], formerly Ferryville, town (1994 pop.…

Childeric I

(Encyclopedia) Childeric IChilderic Ichĭlˈdərĭk [key], c.436–481, Merovingian king of the Salian Franks (c.457–481), a Germanic tribe; son of Meroveus and father of Clovis I. Information on him is…


(Encyclopedia) Chufut-KaleChufut-Kalech&oomacr;f&oomacr;tˈ-kəlyĕˈ [key] [Turk.,=Jews' city], ruined fortress and town, S Crimea (Ukraine, occupied and annexed by Russia in 2014). While under…

Frederick V, king of Denmark and Norway

(Encyclopedia) Frederick V, 1723–66, king of Denmark and Norway (1746–66), son and successor of Christian VI. Frederick's reign was one of commercial expansion and prosperity. Loans, subsidies, and…

Amasis II

(Encyclopedia) Amasis II, d. 525 b.c., king of ancient Egypt (569–525 b.c.), of the XXVI dynasty. In a military revolt he dethroned Apries. He erected temples and other buildings at Memphis and Saïs…


(Encyclopedia) UmayyadUmayyad&oomacr;mäˈyäd [key], the first Islamic dynasty (661–750). Their reign witnessed the return to leadership roles of the pre-Islamic Arab elite, and the rejuvenation of…


(Encyclopedia) AbbasidAbbasidəbăˈsĭd, ăˈbəsĭd [key] or AbbasideAbbaside–sīd, –sĭd [key], Arab family descended from Abbas, the uncle of Muhammad. The Abbasids held the caliphate from 749 to 1258, but…