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Frederick V, king of Denmark and Norway

(Encyclopedia) Frederick V, 1723–66, king of Denmark and Norway (1746–66), son and successor of Christian VI. Frederick's reign was one of commercial expansion and prosperity. Loans, subsidies, and…

Italian East Africa

(Encyclopedia) Italian East Africa, former federation of the Italian colonies of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland and the kingdom of Ethiopia. The federation was formed (1936) to consolidate the…

McBain, Howard Lee

(Encyclopedia) McBain, Howard Lee, 1880–1936, American political scientist, b. Toronto, Ont., grad. Richmond (Va.) College, 1900, Ph.D. Columbia, 1907. After teaching at George Washington and…


(Encyclopedia) MisratahMisratahmĭsräˈtä [key] or MisurataMisuratamēz&oomacr;räˈtä [key], city (1984 pop. 131,031), NW Libya, located in an oasis. A seaport on the Mediterranean Sea, the city…

Menzel Bourguiba

(Encyclopedia) Menzel BourguibaMenzel Bourguibamĕnzĕlˈ bərgēˈbə [key] or Manzil Abu RuqaybahManzil Abu Ruqaybahmănzĭlˈ äb&oomacr;ˈ r&oomacr;ˌkībäˈ [key], formerly Ferryville, town (1994 pop.…


(Encyclopedia) Chufut-KaleChufut-Kalech&oomacr;f&oomacr;tˈ-kəlyĕˈ [key] [Turk.,=Jews' city], ruined fortress and town, S Crimea (Ukraine, occupied and annexed by Russia in 2014). While under…


(Encyclopedia) KovelKovelkōˈvəl, Rus. kôˈvĭl [key], Pol. Kowel, city (1989 pop. 67,000), NW Ukraine, on the Tura River. A rail junction and agriculture center, it has food and peat processing plants…

Abubakar, Abdulsalam Alhaji

(Encyclopedia) Abubakar, Abdulsalam Alhaji, 1942–, Nigerian military officer and political leader, b. Minna, Niger State. He served in the Nigerian air force (1963–67) and army (1967–99), achieving…

Leung Chun-ying

(Encyclopedia) Leung Chun-ying, 1954–, Hong Kong business and political leader, often referred to as C. Y. Leung. He studied surveying at Hong Kong Polytechnic and real estate management in Bristol,…


(Encyclopedia) AmanullahAmanullahămən&oobreve;lˈə [key], 1892–1960, emir (1919–26) and king (1926–29) of Afghanistan. To win popular support for his rule he invaded India in an attempt to free…