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Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke of

(Encyclopedia) Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke ofDevonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th duke ofkăvˈəndĭsh, dĕvˈənshĭr [key], 1833–1908, British statesman. He became marquess of…

David II, king of Scotland

(Encyclopedia) David II (David Bruce), 1324–71, king of Scotland (1329–71), son and successor of Robert I. David's guardians were not strong enough to prevent the invasion (1332) of Scotland by…

Khiva, khanate of

(Encyclopedia) Khiva, khanate of, former state of central Asia, based on the Khiva (Khwarazm or Khorezm) oasis along the Amu Darya River. The khanate lay S of the Aral Sea and included large areas of…

Kolokotronis, Theodore

(Encyclopedia) Kolokotronis, TheodoreKolokotronis, Theodorekôlôkôtrôˈnyēs [key], 1770–1843, Greek patriot and general. A leader in the Greek War of Independence against Ottoman rule in the 1820s, he…


(Encyclopedia) KoperKoperkôˈpĕr [key], Ital. Capodistria, town (1991 pop. 24,704), in Slovenia, on the Istrian peninsula in the Gulf of Trieste. It is a fishing port and has salt mines and a radio…

Jones, Samuel Milton

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Samuel Milton, 1846–1904, American political reformer, known as “Golden Rule” Jones, b. Wales. He was brought to America as a child and worked in the oil fields of Pennsylvania…

Armstrong, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Armstrong, Henry, 1912–88, American boxer, b. Columbus, Miss. He was originally named Henry Jackson. He began his professional career in 1931, and soon became known as a strong and…


(Encyclopedia) Elbląg Elbląg ĕlˈblôNk [key] or Elbing Elbląg…

Muhammad Ali, shah of Persia

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad Ali, 1872–1925, shah of Persia (1906–9), son of Muzaffar ad-Din Shah, of the Qajar dynasty. Muhammad Ali, who was an opponent of constitutional government, began to rule at a…

Mwanawasa, Levy Patrick

(Encyclopedia) Mwanawasa, Levy PatrickMwanawasa, Levy Patricklĕvˈē ĕmwäˌnəwäˈsə [key], 1948–2008, Zambian political leader, president of Zambia (2002–8). A lawyer opposed to Kenneth Kaunda's rule, he…