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(Encyclopedia) CévennesCévennessāvĕnˈ [key], mountain range, S France, bordering the Massif Central on the southeast. The Cévennes proper occupy the central section of a mountainous arc (average…

Tovey, Sir Donald Francis

(Encyclopedia) Tovey, Sir Donald FrancisTovey, Sir Donald Francistōˈvē [key], 1875–1940, English pianist and musicologist, grad. Oxford, 1898. As a pianist he appeared in England and on the Continent…

Pound, Roscoe

(Encyclopedia) Pound, Roscoe, 1870–1964, American jurist, b. Lincoln, Nebr. He studied (1889–90) at Harvard law school, but never received a law degree. Pound was a prominent botanist as well as a…

Primo de Rivera, Miguel

(Encyclopedia) Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 1870–1930, Spanish general and dictator. After a rapid and brilliant military career in Cuba, the Philippines, and Morocco, he became governor of Cádiz (1915…

Shepard, Alan Bartlett, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Shepard, Alan Bartlett, Jr., 1923–98, American astronaut, b. East Derry, N.H., grad. Annapolis, 1944. He served on a destroyer during World War II and later had extensive experience as…

Roberts, Lawrence Gilman

(Encyclopedia) Roberts, Lawrence Gilman, 1937–2018, American computer scientist, b. Westport, Conn., Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963. He worked at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, a…

Reiner, Carl

(Encyclopedia) Reiner, Carl, 1922-2020, American comedian, television producer, actor, and film director, b. Bronx, N.Y. The son of a watchmaker,…

agricultural subsidies

(Encyclopedia) agricultural subsidies, financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs. Beginning in the 1930s most industrialized countries developed agricultural…


(Encyclopedia) school, term commonly referring to institutions of pre-college formal education. It also properly includes colleges, universities, and many types of special training establishments (…

Green Revolution

(Encyclopedia) Green Revolution, term referring mainly to dramatic increases in cereal-grain yields in many developing countries beginning in the late 1960s, due largely to use of genetically…