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Kindelberger, Dutch

(Encyclopedia) Kindelberger, Dutch (James Howard Kindelberger), 1895–1962, b. Wheeling, W.Va., American aerospace pioneer. In 1917 he joined the army and went into the signal corps, serving as a…

Klein, Christian Felix

(Encyclopedia) Klein, Christian FelixKlein, Christian Felixkrĭsˈtēän fāˈlĭks [key]Klein, Christian Felix klīn [key], 1849–1925, German mathematician. He is noted for his work in geometry and on the…

Knuth, Donald Ervin

(Encyclopedia) Knuth, Donald ErvinKnuth, Donald Ervinn&oomacr;th, kən&oomacr;thˈ [key], 1938–, American mathematician and computer scientist, b. Milwaukee, Wis., grad. Case Institute of…

Great Society

(Encyclopedia) Great Society, in U.S. history, term for the domestic policies of President Lyndon Johnson. In his first State of the Union message, he called for a war on poverty and the creation of…

Hine, Lewis

(Encyclopedia) Hine, Lewis (Lewis Wickes Hine), 1874–1940, American photographer, b. Oshkosh, Wis. Hine dedicated much of his photographic career, which began shortly after he bought his first camera…

Hopper, Grace

(Encyclopedia) Hopper, Grace, 1906–92, American computer scientist, b. New York City as Grace Brewster Murray. She was educated at Vassar College and Yale (Ph.D., 1934). After teaching at Vassar (…

optical character recognition

(Encyclopedia) optical character recognition (OCR), method for the machine-reading of typeset, typed, and, in some cases, hand-printed letters, numbers, and symbols using optical sensing and a…

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

(Encyclopedia) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), specialized agency of the United Nations. Formed in 1988, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., it is a member of the World Bank Group…

Madden, John Earl

(Encyclopedia) Madden, John Earl, 1936-2021, American football coach and broadcaster, b. Austin, Mn., Cal. Polytechic, San Luis Obispo (B.S., 1959; M.S…

Atlantic Charter

(Encyclopedia) Atlantic CharterAtlantic Charterətlătĭk, ăt– [key], joint program of peace aims, enunciated by Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt…