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Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

(Encyclopedia) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), specialized agency of the United Nations. Formed in 1988, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., it is a member of the World Bank Group…

Carruthers, George Richard

(Encyclopedia) Carruthers, George Richard, 1939-2020, African-American astrophysicist, b. Cincinnati, OH, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (BS,…


(Encyclopedia) Summerhill, radical progressive school in Leiston, Suffolk, England, and the educational movement based on principles developed at the school. The school was founded (1924) by A. S.…

Wayland, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Wayland, Francis, 1796–1865, American clergyman and educator, b. New York City, grad. Union College, 1813, and studied at Andover Theological Seminary. As pastor (1821–26) of the First…

Velasco Ibarra, José María

(Encyclopedia) Velasco Ibarra, José MaríaVelasco Ibarra, José Maríahōsāˈ märēˈä vāläsˈkō ēbäˈrä [key], 1893–1979, president of Ecuador (1934–35, 1944–47, 1952–56, 1960–61, 1968–72). A noted orator,…

Uruguay , river, South America

(Encyclopedia) UruguayUruguayy&oobreve;ˈrəgwā, gwī, Span. &oomacr;r&oomacr;gwiˈ, &oomacr;r&oomacr;wīˈ [key], river, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) long, rising in S Brazil and flowing in…

Wissler, Clark

(Encyclopedia) Wissler, Clark, 1870–1947, American anthropologist, b. Wayne, Ind., grad. Indiana Univ., 1897, Ph.D. Columbia, 1901. At first a teacher of psychology, he became interested in…

CAT scan

(Encyclopedia) CAT scanCAT scankăt [key] [computerized axial tomography], X-ray technique that allows relatively safe, painless, and rapid diagnosis in previously inaccessible areas of the body; also…

optical character recognition

(Encyclopedia) optical character recognition (OCR), method for the machine-reading of typeset, typed, and, in some cases, hand-printed letters, numbers, and symbols using optical sensing and a…

Peace Corps

(Encyclopedia) Peace Corps, agency of the U.S. government, whose purpose is to assist underdeveloped countries in meeting their needs for trained manpower. The Peace Corps was established in 1961 by…