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Zapata, Emiliano

(Encyclopedia) Zapata, EmilianoZapata, Emilianoāmēlyäˈnō säpäˈtä [key], c.1879–1919, Mexican revolutionary, b. Morelos. Zapata was of almost pure native descent. A tenant farmer, he occupied a social…


(Encyclopedia) SonderbundSonderbundzônˈdərb&oobreve;nt [key] [Ger.,=separate league], 1845–47, defensive league of seven Roman Catholic cantons of Switzerland; it was formed to protect Catholic…

Prairie Pothole Region

(Encyclopedia) Prairie Pothole Region, large geographic area of central North America consisting of grass-covered wetlands. Stretching northwest from N Iowa through SW Minnesota, E South Dakota, E…

Greeley, Andrew Moran

(Encyclopedia) Greeley, Andrew Moran, 1928–2013, American Roman Catholic priest, sociologist, and author, b. Oak Park, Ill.; studied St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, Ill. (ordained 1954). He…

Grau San Martín, Ramón

(Encyclopedia) Grau San Martín, RamónGrau San Martín, Ramónrämōnˈ grou sän märtēnˈ [key], 1887–1969, president of Cuba (1933–34, 1944–48). Professor of medicine at the Univ. of Havana, Grau San…


(Encyclopedia) HaggaiHaggaihăgˈāī [key], prophetic book of the Bible. Dated 520 b.c., it is a collection of five oracles addressed to Jews, newly returned from the Babylonian exile. The prophet…


(Encyclopedia) glasnostglasnostgläsˈnōst [key], Soviet cultural and social policy of the late 1980s. Following his ascension to the leadership of the USSR in 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev began to promote…

Orbiting Geophysical Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO), series of six orbiting observatories (see observatory, orbiting) launched between 1964 and 1969 by the National Aeronautics and Space…

Mohawk, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Mohawk, river, c.140 mi (230 km) long, rising in central New York and flowing S then SE past Utica and Schenectady to enter the Hudson River at Cohoes. The Mohawk is canalized from…

Mohole, Project

(Encyclopedia) Mohole, Project, program proposed in 1957 to drill a hole down to the boundary between the crust and the mantle, known as the Mohorovičić discontinuity at about 4 to 43 mi (7 to 70 km…