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(Encyclopedia) Scouts or Boy Scouts, organization of boys and girls 11 to 17 years old, founded (1907) in Great Britain by Sir Robert (later Lord) Baden-Powell and originally for boys only; since the…

von Braun, Wernher

(Encyclopedia) von Braun, Wernhervon Braun, Wernhervôn broun [key], 1912–77, German-American rocket scientist and astronautics engineer, b. Germany, grad. Berlin Technological Institute (B.S., 1932…

Annan, Kofi Atta

(Encyclopedia) Annan, Kofi AttaAnnan, Kofi Attakōˈfē äˈtä ănˈən [key] 1938–2018, Ghanaian diplomat, the seventh secretary-general of the United Nations (1997–2006) and the first person to hold that…

artificial intelligence

(Encyclopedia) artificial intelligence (AI), the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human reasoning and learning. Research in AI is concentrated in some half-dozen areas. In problem…

Morrison, Scott

(Encyclopedia) Morrison, Scott, 1968–, Australian political leader, b. Sydney. Morrison was head of tourism for both New Zealand and Australia before he became state director (2000–2004) of the…

Muhammad VI, king of Morocco

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad VI, 1963–, king of Morocco (1999–), formerly Muhammad ben Al-Hassan, crown prince Sidi Muhammad. He studied at Muhammad V Univ., Rabat, where he received bachelor's (1985) and…

iron lung

(Encyclopedia) iron lung, device used to maintain artificial respiration over an extended period of time. Before the successful vaccination program against poliomyelitis, it was used mostly in…

impressionism, in music

(Encyclopedia) impressionism, in music, a French movement in the late 19th and early 20th cent. It was begun by Debussy in reaction to the dramatic and dynamic emotionalism of romantic music,…