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Cranbrook Educational Community

(Encyclopedia) Cranbrook Educational Community, at Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; est. and endowed by George G. and Ellen Scripps Booth in 1927. It includes the Cranbrook Academy of Art, with graduate…

Alessandri, Arturo

(Encyclopedia) Alessandri, ArturoAlessandri, Arturoärt&oomacr;ˈrō älĕssänˈdrē [key], 1868–1950, president of Chile (1920–25, 1932–38). The 1920 presidential candidate of the Liberal Alliance, a…

Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de

(Encyclopedia) Chamorro, Violeta Barrios deChamorro, Violeta Barrios devēˌəlĕtˈ bârˈyōs ᵺā [key]Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de chämōˈrō [key], 1929–, president of Nicaragua (1990–97). Widow of martyred…

functionalism, in art and architecture

(Encyclopedia) functionalism, in art and architecture, an aesthetic doctrine developed in the early 20th cent. out of Louis Henry Sullivan's aphorism that form ever follows function. Functionalist…

Henderson, Donald Ainslie

(Encyclopedia) Henderson, Donald Ainslie, 1928–2016, American physician instrumental in eradicating smallpox, b. Lakewood, Ohio, M.D. Univ. of Rochester, 1954, M.P.H. Johns Hopkins, 1960. He joined (…

Broussel, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Broussel, PierreBroussel, Pierrepyĕr br&oomacr;sĕlˈ [key], c.1575–1654, councillor of the Parlement of Paris under Louis XIII and Louis XIV. His opposition to the tax program…

Census of Marine Life

(Encyclopedia) Census of Marine Life, an international program (2001–2010) to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of living organisms in the oceans. A project involving more…

Young, John Watts

(Encyclopedia) Young, John Watts, 1930–2018, American astronaut, b. San Francisco. A Navy test pilot, he joined the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's astronaut program in 1962. Young…

Betancourt, Rómulo

(Encyclopedia) Betancourt, RómuloBetancourt, Rómulorōˈm&oomacr;lō bĕtänk&oobreve;rˈ [key], 1908–81, Venezuelan political leader, president of Venezuela (1945–48, 1959–64). Following a stormy…

Barnard, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Barnard, Henry, 1811–1900, American educator, b. Hartford, Conn., grad. Yale, 1830. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1835. As a member (1837–39) of the Connecticut…