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Richest Americans

The following table lists the richest Americans by their net worth and the industry in which they earned their fortune. Bill Gates is the richest American Source: AP Photo Rank Name…

Richest States

The following table lists the states with the highest per capita personal income. Rank Name Per capita 1. Connecticut $58,908…

It's Down! It's Up! Monitoring the Economy's Pulse

It's Down! It's Up! Monitoring the Economy's PulseIt's Down! It's Up! Monitoring the Economy's PulseExcerpted from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Economics © 2003 by Tom Gorman. All rights reserved…

Wealth and Poverty: Who's Got How Much?

Who's Got How Much?Wealth and PovertyIntroductionWhat Is Poverty?Who's Got How Much?Why Incomes Are Becoming More UnequalWhat's the Government's Role?Other Aspects of Wealth and PovertyThe Ultimate…

Favorite School Subjects

Among children age 6-11 Subject % Who Chose Particular Subject All Boys Girls Age 6–7 Age 8–9 Age 10–11 Math 25.4% 28.9% 21.6%…

Giving Pledge Participants

The United States is home to roughly 40% of the world's billionaires. About 10% of America's richest citizens have committed to participate in the Giving Pledge and donate…

Learn How To Budget: Kids Edition!

Top of Page Source: iStockWhile schools instill in children unique knowledge that well outweighs those of most adults, children frequently miss a crucial education in financial literacy and…

Duflo, Esther

(Encyclopedia) Duflo, Esther, 1972–, French-American economist, b. Paris, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. She has been a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of…