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cost of living

(Encyclopedia) cost of living, amount of money needed to buy the goods and services necessary to maintain a specified standard of living. The cost of living is closely tied to rates of inflation and…


(Encyclopedia) cortisolcortisolkôrˈtĭsôlˌ [key] or hydrocortisone, steroid hormone that in humans is the major circulating hormone of the cortex, or outer layer, of the adrenal gland. Like cortisone…


(Encyclopedia) anxiety, anticipatory tension or vague dread persisting in the absence of a specific threat. In contrast to fear, which is a realistic reaction to actual danger, anxiety is generally…


(Encyclopedia) loan, in business, sum of money borrowed at a particular interest rate. More generally, it refers to anything given on condition of its return or repayment of its equivalent. A loan…

Draghi, Mario

(Encyclopedia) Draghi, Mario Draghi, Mario mäˈēō drägˈē [key], 1947–, Italian economist and government and…


(Encyclopedia) digitalisdigitalisdĭjˌĭtălˈĭs [key], any of several chemically similar drugs used primarily to increase the force and rate of heart contractions, especially in damaged heart muscle.…


(Encyclopedia) diphtheriadiphtheriadĭfthērˈēə [key], acute contagious disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Klebs-Loffler bacillus) bacteria that have been infected by a bacteriophage. It…

Yellen, Janet Louise

(Encyclopedia) Yellen, Janet LouiseYellen, Janet Louiseyĕlˈən [key], 1946–, U.S. economist and government official, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., B.A. Brown (1967), Ph.D. Yale (1971). Yellen taught economics (…

Agent Orange

(Encyclopedia) Agent Orange, herbicide used by U.S. forces during the Vietnam War to expose enemy guerrilla forces in forested areas. Agent Orange contains varying amounts of dioxin. Exposure to the…


(Encyclopedia) stratigraphy, branch of geology specifically concerned with the arrangement of layered rocks (see stratification). Stratigraphy is based on the law of superposition, which states that…