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Undset, Sigrid

(Encyclopedia) Undset, SigridUndset, Sigridsĭˈgrĭd &oobreve;nˈsĕt [key], 1882–1949, Norwegian novelist. Poverty forced Undset to do secretarial work for a time (1898–1908). Her early novels of…

Sanger, Margaret Higgins

(Encyclopedia) Sanger, Margaret Higgins, 1879–1966, American leader in the birth control movement, b. Corning, N.Y. Personal experience and work as a public-health nurse, much of it on New York City'…

Bartók, Béla

(Encyclopedia) Bartók, BélaBartók, Bélabāˈlə bärˈtŏk, Hung. bāˈlô bôrˈtōk [key], 1881–1945, Hungarian composer and collector of folk music. He studied (1899–1903) and later taught piano at the Royal…

Proud Boys

(Encyclopedia) Proud Boys, American political movement. Founded in 2016 by Vice Media cofounder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys promotes the philosophy…


(Encyclopedia) revolution, in a political sense, fundamental and violent change in the values, political institutions, social structure, leadership, and policies of a society. The totality of change…


(Encyclopedia) plague, any contagious, malignant, epidemic disease, in particular the bubonic plague and the black plague (or Black Death), both forms of the same infection. These acute febrile…

Best Child-Rearing States

The Question: I'm looking for information about what cities are best for raising children. Do you have any ideas? The Answer: Not…


(Encyclopedia) alcoholism, 04/00 disease characterized by impaired control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism is a serious problem worldwide; in the United States the wide…

U.S. Economy and the Federal Budget

Find information on the economic outlook in the U.S., government spending, international investment and trade, gross domestic product, consumer and producer price indexes,…


(Encyclopedia) combustion, rapid chemical reaction of two or more substances with a characteristic liberation of heat and light; it is commonly called burning. The burning of a fuel (e.g., wood, coal…