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pulse, in anatomy

(Encyclopedia) pulse, alternate expansion and contraction of artery walls as heart action varies blood volume within the arteries. Artery walls are elastic. Hence they become distended by increased…


(Encyclopedia) evaporimeterevaporimeterĭvăpˌərĭmˈətər [key], instrument that measures the rate of evaporation of water into the atmosphere, sometimes called an atmometer. Evaporimeters are of two…

income tax

(Encyclopedia) income tax, assessment levied upon individual or corporate incomes. Although personal incomes were occasionally taxed in medieval Italian cities, the income tax is essentially a modern…

Kellogg, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Kellogg, Edward, 1790–1858, American economist, b. Norwalk, Conn. He advocated a financial scheme to abolish interest, which was often usurious at the time he wrote. Kellogg devised a…

Clare, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Clare or Clara, Saint, 1193?–1253, Italian nun of Assisi, devoted from her youth to St. Francis, to whom she took a vow of poverty. She led a life of great austerity. She organized her…

Poverty Point National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Poverty Point National Monument: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).

Abortions and Abortion Rates

Number of abortionsAbortion occurrence rate1State 19961992 1988 19961992 1988 Alabama 13,826 17,450 18,220 1418.2 18.7 Alaska 2,139 2,370 2,390 1516.5 18.2 Arizona 11,016 20,600 23,070 1124.…

Global Abortion Rates

by Liz Olson Related Links Legal Abortions in Selected Countries Abortion in the United States World Health…

Euro Conversion Rates

On Jan. 1, 1999, eleven European countries began using the euro electronically, as a denomination for debt issues and bank accounts. The actual notes…