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(Encyclopedia) hiccup or hiccough, involuntary spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm followed by a sharp intake of air, which is abruptly stopped by a sudden, involuntary closing of the glottis (…

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

(Encyclopedia) Rocky Mountain spotted fever, infectious disease caused by a rickettsia. The bacterium is harbored by wild rodents and other animals and is carried by infected ticks of several species…


(Encyclopedia) orthopedicsorthopedicsôrthəpēˈdĭks [key], medical specialty concerned with deformities, injuries, and diseases of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Most of the early…


(Encyclopedia) fasciafasciafăshˈēə [key], fibrous tissue network located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone. Fascia is composed of two layers, a superficial layer and a…


(Encyclopedia) ureteruretery&oobreve;rēˈtər [key], thick-walled tube that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. It is approximately 10 in. (25.4 cm) long, with the upper half…


(Encyclopedia) mackerel, common name for members of the family Scombridae, open-sea fishes including the albacore, bonito, and tuna. They are characterized by deeply forked tails that narrow greatly…

electric shock

(Encyclopedia) electric shock, effect of the passage of a current of electricity through the body. Fatality may result from shocks of from 1 to 2 amperes and 500 to 1,000 volts. However, the effect…


(Encyclopedia) hypertrophyhypertrophyhīpûrˈtrəfē [key], enlargement of a tissue or organ of the body resulting from an increase in the size of its cells. Such growth accompanies an increase in the…

spastic paralysis

(Encyclopedia) spastic paralysis, form of paralysis in which the part of the nervous system that controls coordinated movement of the voluntary muscles is disabled. In spastic paralysis the nerves…

Steno, Nicolaus

(Encyclopedia) Steno, NicolausSteno, Nicolausnĭkəlāˈəs stēˈnō [key], Latinized form of Niels StensenSteno, Nicolausnēls stānˈsən [key], 1638–86, Danish anatomist, geologist, and Roman Catholic…