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(Encyclopedia) paralysis or palsypalsypôlˈzē [key], complete loss or impairment of the ability to use voluntary muscles, usually as the result of a disorder of the nervous system. The nervous tissue…

flat foot

(Encyclopedia) flat foot, condition of the human foot in which the entire sole rests on the ground when the person is standing. When the foot muscles are weakened or the ligaments are strained and…


(Encyclopedia) arm, upper limb in humans. Three long bones form the framework of the arm: the humerus of the upper arm, and the radius (outer bone) and ulna (inner bone) of the forearm. The radius…

physical therapy

(Encyclopedia) physical therapy or physiotherapy, treatment of disorders of the muscles, bones, or joints by means of physical agents—heat, light, water, manual and electronic massage, and exercise.…


(Encyclopedia) curarecurareky&oobreve;rärˈē [key], any of a variety of substances originally used as arrow poisons by Native South Americans in hunting and in warfare. The main active substance…

muscular dystrophy

(Encyclopedia) muscular dystrophymuscular dystrophydĭsˈtrōfē [key], any of several inherited diseases characterized by progressive wasting of the skeletal muscles. There are five main forms of the…


(Encyclopedia) glycogenglycogenglīˈkəjən [key], starchlike polysaccharide (see carbohydrate) that is found in the liver and muscles of humans and the higher animals and in the cells of the lower…


(Encyclopedia) catalepsycatalepsykătˈəlĕpˌsē [key], pathological condition characterized by a loss of consciousness accompanied by rigidity of muscles that keeps limbs in any position in which they…

myasthenia gravis

(Encyclopedia) myasthenia gravismyasthenia gravismīəsthēˈnēə gräˈvĭs [key], chronic disorder of the muscles characterized by weakness and a tendency to tire easily. It is caused by an autoimmune…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Bones of right wrist and hand, dorsal view hand, terminal part of the forelimb in primates. The human hand consists of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and thumb. In humans and…