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cerebral palsy

(Encyclopedia) cerebral palsycerebral palsysərēˈbrəl pôlˈzē [key], disability caused by brain damage before or during birth or in the first years, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscular control…


(Encyclopedia) kwashiorkorkwashiorkorkwăshˌēôrˈkôr [key], protein deficiency disorder of children. It is prevalent in overpopulated parts of the world where the diet consists mainly of starchy…

Pythagoras of Rhegium

(Encyclopedia) Pythagoras of RhegiumPythagoras of Rhegiumpĭthăgˈərəs [key]Pythagoras of Rhegiumrēˈjəm [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Greek sculptor. In a signature on a pedestal at Olympia he declares…

Boyer, Paul Delos

(Encyclopedia) Boyer, Paul Delos, 1918–2018, American biochemist, b. Provo, Utah, Ph.D. Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, 1943. Boyer taught at the Univ. of Minnesota, first in Saint Paul (1946–56) and…


(Encyclopedia) ratiteratiterătˈīt [key], common and general term for a variety of flightless birds characterized by a flat, raftlike sternum rather than the keeled sternum, designed to support flight…


(Encyclopedia) acetylcholineacetylcholineəsētˌəlkōˈlēn [key], a small organic molecule liberated at nerve endings as a neurotransmitter. It is particularly important in the stimulation of muscle…


(Encyclopedia) mesoderm, in biology, middle layer of tissue formed in the gastrula stage of the developing embryo. At the end of the blastula stage, cells of the embryo are arranged in the form of a…

necrotizing fasciitis

(Encyclopedia) necrotizing fasciitis, a quickly progressing infection of the skin that spreads along the fascia, the tissue that covers the muscles. (Necrotizing infections that spread along the…

lactic acid

(Encyclopedia) lactic acid, CH3CHOHCO2H, a colorless liquid organic acid. It is miscible with water or ethanol. Lactic acid is a fermentation product of lactose (milk sugar); it is present in sour…


(Encyclopedia) aerobicsaerobicsârōˈbiks [key], [Gr.,=with oxygen], system of endurance exercises that promote cardiovascular fitness by producing and sustaining an elevated heart rate for a prolonged…