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(Encyclopedia) botulismbotulismbŏchˈəlĭzˌəm [key], acute poisoning resulting from ingestion of food containing toxins produced by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum. The bacterium can grow only in an…

spinal cord

(Encyclopedia) spinal cord, the part of the nervous system occupying the hollow interior (vertebral canal) of the series of vertebrae that form the spinal column, technically known as the vertebral…


(Encyclopedia) convulsion, sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of the muscles of the body, often accompanied by loss of consciousness. It is not known what causes the abnormal impulses from the…

heat exhaustion

(Encyclopedia) heat exhaustion, condition caused by overexposure to sunlight or another heat source and resulting in dehydration and salt depletion, also known as heat prostration. The symptoms are…

Hill, Archibald Vivian

(Encyclopedia) Hill, Archibald Vivian, 1886–1977, British physiologist, B.A. Cambridge, 1909. Hill was a professor at Manchester Univ. (1920–23) and University College, London (1923–25) before…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Sinuses of the face sinus, cavity or hollow space in the body, usually filled with air or blood. In humans the paranasal sinuses, mucus-lined cavities in the bones of the face…


(Encyclopedia) spasm, involuntary rigid muscle contraction, often persistent and often accompanied by pain. It usually has some underlying physical cause such as disease, strain, or injury to the…

Meyerhof, Otto

(Encyclopedia) Meyerhof, OttoMeyerhof, Ottoôˈtō mīˈərhōf [key], 1884–1951, American physiologist, b. Germany, M.D. Heidelberg, 1909. He was professor at the Univ. of Kiel (1912–24) and at the Univ.…

sex therapy

(Encyclopedia) sex therapy, treatment of sexual disorders and dysfunction, including impotence, orgasmic dysfunction, vaginismus (spasm of the muscles of the vagina), premature ejaculation, and lack…


(Encyclopedia) electrocardiographyelectrocardiographyĭlĕkˌtrōkärdēŏgˈrəfē [key], science of recording and interpreting the electrical activity that precedes and is a measure of the action of heart…