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Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund

(Encyclopedia) Schultze, Max Johann SigismundSchultze, Max Johann Sigismundmäks yōˈhän zēˈgĭsm&oobreve;nd sh&oobreve;lˈtsə [key], 1825–74, German biologist, director of the Anatomical…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Diaphragm diaphragmdiaphragmdīˈəfrămˌ [key], term used to describe any of several large muscles, found in humans and other mammals, which separate two adjacent regions of the…


(Encyclopedia) paraplegiaparaplegiapârˌəplēˈjēə [key], paralysis of the lower part of the body, commonly affecting both legs and often internal organs below the waist. When both legs and arms are…


(Encyclopedia) ataxiaataxiaətăkˈsēə [key], lack of coordination of the voluntary muscles resulting in irregular movements of the body. Ataxia can be brought on by an injury, infection, or…


(Encyclopedia) blackleg or black quarter, acute infectious disease of cattle, less often of sheep, caused by an organism of the genus Clostridium. It is characterized by inflammation of muscles with…

Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor

(Encyclopedia) Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor, 1903–82, Swedish biochemist, M.D. Caroline Institute, Stockholm, 1930. The results of an illness caused him to abandon his career as a physician, and he…


(Encyclopedia) cerebellumcerebellumsĕrˌəbĕlˈəm [key], portion of the brain that coordinates movements of voluntary (skeletal) muscles. It contains about half of the brain's neurons, but these…

Bauhin, Gaspard

(Encyclopedia) Bauhin, GaspardBauhin, Gaspardgäspärˈ bōăNˈ [key], 1560–1624, Swiss botanist and doctor of medicine, of French descent. His early classification of plants by genus and species in his…

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

(Encyclopedia) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)amyotrophic lateral sclerosisāˌmīətrōfˈik, sklĭrōˈsĭs [key] or motor neuron disease, sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease, degenerative disease that…


(Encyclopedia) sneeze, involuntary violent expiration of air through the nose and mouth. It results from stimulation of the nervous system in the nose, causing sudden contraction of the muscles of…