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Brewer's: Immaculate Conception

The dogma that the Virgin Mary was conceived without Original sin. This dogma was first broached by St. Bernard, and was stoutly maintained by Duns Scotus and his disciples, but was not…

Lombroso, Cesare

(Encyclopedia) Lombroso, CesareLombroso, Cesarechĕˈzärā lōmbrôˈzō [key], 1835–1909, Italian criminologist and physician. In 1876 he published a pamphlet setting forth his theory of the origin of…

Doctrine of Signatures

(Encyclopedia) Doctrine of Signatures, the concept that the key to humanity's use of various plants was indicated by the form of the plant. The red sap of the bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), for…


(Encyclopedia) moment, in physics and engineering, term designating the product of a quantity and a distance (or some power of the distance) to some point associated with that quantity. The most…

Gleason, Henry Allan

(Encyclopedia) Gleason, Henry AllanGleason, Henry Allanglēˈsən [key], 1882–1975, American botanist, plant geographer, and plant ecologist. His floristic studies of North American vegetation led to…

Phelps, Edmund Strother, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Phelps, Edmund Strother, Jr., 1933–, American economist, b. Evanston, Ill., Ph.D. Yale, 1959. He has been a professor at Yale (1960–66), the Univ. of Pennsylvania (1966–71), Columbia (…


(Encyclopedia) limbo, in Roman Catholic theology, an afterlife realm between heaven and hell where there is no punishment but where souls are denied the presence of God. Never part of Catholic dogma…

emanation, in philosophy

(Encyclopedia) emanationemanationĕmənāˈshən [key] [Lat.,=flowing from], cosmological concept that explains the creation of the world by a series of radiations, or emanations, originating in the…


(Encyclopedia) conceptualism, in philosophy, position taken on the problem of universals, initially by Peter Abelard in the 12th cent. Like nominalism it denied that universals exist independently of…


(Encyclopedia) sovereignty, supreme authority in a political community. The concept of sovereignty has had a long history of development, and it may be said that every political theorist since Plato…