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Rosch, Eleanor

(Encyclopedia) Rosch, Eleanor, 1938–, American psychologist, Ph.D. Harvard, 1969. In a series of experiments in the 1970s, Rosch demonstrated that when people label an everday object or experience,…

Odum, Eugene Pleasants

(Encyclopedia) Odum, Eugene Pleasants, 1913–2002, American ecologist, b. Newport, N.H., Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois, 1939; son of Howard W. Odum. He joined the department of zoology at the Univ. of…

Soloviev, Vladimir Sergeyevich

(Encyclopedia) Soloviev, Vladimir SergeyevichSoloviev, Vladimir Sergeyevichvlədyēˈmĭr sĭrgāˈəvĭch sələvyôfˈ [key], 1853–1900, Russian religious philosopher and poet; son of Sergei Mikhailovich…


(Encyclopedia) folkways, term coined by William Graham Sumner in his treatise Folkways (1906) to denote those group habits that are common to a society or culture and are usually called customs. The…

Bolzano, Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Bolzano, BernardBolzano, Bernardbōltsäˈnō [key], 1781–1848, Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian. Though as a Catholic priest he himself was primarily concerned with…

Birkhoff, Garrett

(Encyclopedia) Birkhoff, GarrettBirkhoff, Garrettgârˈət bûrˈkôf [key], 1911–96, American mathematician, b. Princeton, N.J.; son of George David Birkhoff. He was educated at Harvard (B.A., 1932) where…

Carrier, Willis Haviland

(Encyclopedia) Carrier, Willis Haviland, 1876–1950, American engineer who played a key role in inventing air conditioning, b. Angola, N.Y., grad. Cornell (M.E. 1901). Working for the Buffalo Forge Co…


(Encyclopedia) atonement, the reconciliation, or “at-one-ment,” of sinful humanity with God. In Judaism both the Bible and rabbinical thought reflect the belief that God's chosen people must be pure…

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Teilhard de Chardin, PierreTeilhard de Chardin, Pierrepyĕr tāyärˈ də shärdăNˈ [key], 1881–1955, French paleontologist and philosopher. He entered (1899) the Jesuit order, was ordained…

Warburg, Aby

(Encyclopedia) Warburg, Aby (Abraham Moritz Warburg), 1866–1929, German historian of art and culture, b. Hamburg, studied art history in Bonn, Munich, Florence, and Strasbourg, where he received a…