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(Encyclopedia) MoulinsMoulinsm&oomacr;lăNˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 23,353), capital of Allier dept., central France, on the Allier River. Clothing, shoes, dyes, automobile parts, and household…


(Encyclopedia) Agen Agen äzhäNˈ [key], town, capital of Lot-et-Garonne dept., SW France, on the Garonne River, in Guienne. It is an agricultural marketplace in the center of a…

United States Air Force Academy

(Encyclopedia) United States Air Force Academy, at Colorado Springs, Colo.; for training young men and women to be officers in the U.S. air force; authorized in 1954 by Congress. Temporary quarters…


(Encyclopedia) tanning, process by which skins and hides are converted into leather. Vegetable tanning, a method requiring more than a month even with modern machinery and tanning liquors, employs…

Bath, city, England

(Encyclopedia) Bath, city (2021 pop. 88,859), Bath and North East Somerset, SW England, in the Avon River valley. Britain's leading winter resort, Bath…


(Encyclopedia) SaipanSaipansīˈpăn, sīpänˈ [key], volcanic island (2010 pop. 48,220), 47 sq mi (122 sq km), W Pacific, capital of the Northern Mariana Islands. It is mountainous; the highest peak is…


(Encyclopedia) SaarbrückenSaarbrückenzärˌbrükˈən [key], Fr. Sarrebruck, city (1994 pop. 190,902), capital of Saarland, W Germany, on the Saar River near the French border. It is the leading…

Odessa, city, Ukraine

(Encyclopedia) OdessaOdessaōdĕsˈə [key]Odessa, Rus. ədyĕˈsə [key], Ukr. Odesa, city (1989 pop. 1,115,000), capital of Odessa region, in Ukraine, a port on Odessa Bay of the Black Sea. The third…

Rock Island, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Rock Island, city (1990 pop. 40,552), seat of Rock Island co., NW Ill., on the Mississippi and Rock rivers, adjacent to Moline and opposite Davenport, Iowa; inc. 1841. These three…

Goldman, Emma

(Encyclopedia) Goldman, Emma, 1869–1940, American anarchist, b. Lithuania. She emigrated to Rochester, N.Y., in 1886 and worked there in clothing factories. After 1889 she was active in the anarchist…