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(Encyclopedia) KoblenzKoblenzkōˈblĕnts [key], Eng. Coblenz, city (1994 pop. 109,810), Rhineland-Palatinate, W Germany, at the confluence of the Rhine and the Moselle (Ger. Mosel ) rivers. Its…


(Encyclopedia) chikungunyachikungunyachĭkən-g&oomacr;nˈyä [key], viral disease transmitted by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. Symptoms appear after an incubation period of four to…

Chanel, Coco

(Encyclopedia) Chanel, Coco (Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel)Chanel, Cocoshənĕlˈ [key], 1883–1971, French fashion designer b. Saumur. She established a millinery shop in Deauville in 1909, founded her first…


(Encyclopedia) Abruzzi Abruzzi äbr&oomacr;tˈtsē [key], region, 4,167 sq mi (10,793 sq km), central Italy, bordering on the Adriatic Sea in the east. L'Aquila is the…

Saint Albans, city, England

(Encyclopedia) Saint AlbansSaint Albanssŭnt ôlˈbənz [key], city and district (1991 pop. 76,709), Hertfordshire, E central England. The market city of Saint Albans has printing, engineering, and…


(Encyclopedia) SaumurSaumursōmürˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 30,150), Maine-et-Loire dept., W France, on the Loire River. Saumur is noted for its religious-medal industry (dating from the 17th cent.) and…


(Encyclopedia) OverijsselOverijsselōˌvərīˈsəl [key], province (1994 pop. 1,044,600), c,1,500 sq mi (3,885 sq km), E central Netherlands; it borders on Germany in the east. Zwolle is the capital;…


(Encyclopedia) nudism or naturism, practice of going without clothing in social settings, generally in mixed gender groups and for purposes of good health or personal comfort. Governed by a strict…

black market

(Encyclopedia) black market, the selling or buying of commodities at prices above the legal ceiling or beyond the amount allotted to a customer in countries that have placed restrictions on sales and…


(Encyclopedia) ToulToult&oomacr;l [key], town (1990 pop. 17,702), Meurthe-et-Moselle dept., NE France, on the Moselle River. It is largely an agricultural center but has clothing and glass…