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Rae, John

(Encyclopedia) Rae, John, 1813–93, Scottish arctic explorer, b. Orkney Islands. A physician in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company in N Canada, Rae made (1846–47) a journey of exploration from…

synthetic textile fibers

(Encyclopedia) synthetic textile fibers have revolutionized the textile industry. Such artificial fibers are usually long-chain polymers, produced industrially by the condensation of many small units…


(Encyclopedia) coercion, in law, the unlawful act of compelling a person to do, or to abstain from doing, something by depriving him of the exercise of his free will, particularly by use or threat of…


(Encyclopedia) Colchester Colchester kōlˈchĭstər, –chĕsˌtər [key], city and district,…

Manchester, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Manchester. 1 Town (1990 pop. 51,618), Hartford co., central Conn.; settled c.1672, inc. 1823. Its sawmills and paper mills date from before the Revolutionary War. The city was also…


(Encyclopedia) Medford. 1 City (1990 pop. 57,407), Middlesex co., E Mass., a residential and industrial suburb of Boston, on the Mystic River; settled 1630, inc. as a city 1892. Wax, paper, clothing…


(Encyclopedia) Asmara Asmara äsmäˈrä, äz– [key], city (2020 pop. 963,000), capital of Eritrea, at an altitude of c.7,300 ft (2,225 m). The name also appears as Asmera. A…

cloth of gold

(Encyclopedia) cloth of gold, fabric woven wholly or partly of gold threads. From remote times gold has been used as material for weaving either alone or with other fibers. In India tapestries were…

Durham, county, England

(Encyclopedia) Durham, officially County Durham, county, 1,015 sq mi (2,629 sq km), NE England, on the North Sea between the Tees and Tyne rivers;…


(Encyclopedia) Leeds, city and metropolitan borough (1991 pop. 445,242), N central England, on the Aire River. It lies between one of England's leading manufacturing regions on the west and south and…