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(Encyclopedia) batikbatikbətēkˈ [key], method of decorating fabrics practiced for centuries by the natives of Indonesia. It consists of applying a design to the surface of the cloth by using melted…


(Encyclopedia) MoliseMolisemōlēˈzā [key], region (1991 pop. 330,900), 1,714 sq mi (4,439 sq km), S central Italy, bordering on the Adriatic Sea in the east. Campobasso is the capital of the region,…

Jack the Ripper

(Encyclopedia) Jack the Ripper, name given to an unidentified late-19th-century murderer in London, England; also known as the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron. From Aug. to Nov., 1888, he was…


(Encyclopedia) Arezzo Arezzo ärĕtˈtsō [key], city, capital of Arezzo prov., Tuscany, central Italy. It is an agricultural trade center and has machine, clothing, gold, and…

Rochester, town, England

(Encyclopedia) Rochester, town, SE England, on the Medway River, chief town of the borough of Medway, which also includes Chatham and Gillingham. Cement, heavy machinery, electronic equipment,…


(Encyclopedia) RoswellRoswellrŏzˈwĕl [key], city (1990 pop. 44,654), seat of Chaves co., SE N.Mex., near the Pecos River; settled 1869 as a trading post, inc. 1903. It is the trade, marketing, and…


(Encyclopedia) PinskPinskpĭnsk, Rus. pēnsk [key], city (1989 pop. 118,636), S Belarus, in the Pripyat Marshes and at the confluence of the Pina and Pripyat rivers. A port on the Pina River (part of…


(Encyclopedia) VladikavkazVladikavkazvlədyēˈkävkäz [key], city (1989 pop. 300,000), capital of North Ossetia-Alania, SE European Russia, on the Terek River and at the northern foot of the Caucasus.…


(Encyclopedia) felt, fabric made by matting or felting together wool, hair, or fur, most of which have a natural tendency to snarl or cling together owing to their notched or scaly surfaces.…


(Encyclopedia) Fulda Fulda f&oobreve;lˈdä [key], city, Hesse, central Germany, on the Fulda River. It is a banking…