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(Encyclopedia) felt, fabric made by matting or felting together wool, hair, or fur, most of which have a natural tendency to snarl or cling together owing to their notched or scaly surfaces.…


(Encyclopedia) yaws or frambesia, tropical infection of the skin caused by a spirochete (Treponema pertenue) closely related to that causing syphilis. Yaws, however, is not a sexually transmitted…


(Encyclopedia) YonkersYonkersyŏnˈkərz [key], city (1990 pop. 188,082), Westchester co., SE N.Y., on the east bank of the Hudson, in a hilly region just N of the Bronx (New York City); inc. 1855.…


(Encyclopedia) VladikavkazVladikavkazvlədyēˈkävkäz [key], city (1989 pop. 300,000), capital of North Ossetia-Alania, SE European Russia, on the Terek River and at the northern foot of the Caucasus.…


(Encyclopedia) Khudjand,&sp;Khujand, or KhudzhandKhudzhandkh&oomacr;dˈjänd [key], city (1991 pop. 164,500), capital of Leninobod region, in Tajikistan, on the Syr Darya River at its exit from…


(Encyclopedia) KroonstadKroonstadkr&oomacr;nˈstät [key], city, part and seat of Moqhaka local municipality, Free State prov., E central South Africa, on the Vals River. It is an agricultural and…

Granada, city, Nicaragua

(Encyclopedia) Granada Granada gränäˈᵺä [key], city, W Nicaragua, on Lake Nicaragua. It is Nicaragua's third…

Groningen, city, Netherlands

(Encyclopedia) Groningen, city, capital of Groningen prov., NE Netherlands. It is an important trade and transportation center. Manufactures include…


(Encyclopedia) LusakaLusakal&oomacr;säˈkə [key], city (1990 est. pop. 982,400), alt. 4,200 ft (1,280 m), capital of Zambia, S central Zambia. A sprawling city located in a productive farm area,…

New Bedford

(Encyclopedia) New Bedford, city (1990 pop. 99,922), seat of Bristol co., SE Mass., at the mouth of the Acushnet River on Buzzard's Bay; settled 1640, set off from Dartmouth 1787, inc. as a city 1847…