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88 results found

Brewer's: Ahmed, Prince

Noted for the tent given him by the fairy Pari-banou, which would cover a whole army, but might be carried in one's pocket; and for the apple of Samarcand, which would cure …

Brewer's: Nadab

in Dryden's satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is meant for Lord Howard, of Esrick or Escriek, a profligate who laid claim to great piety. Nadab offered incense with strange …

Brewer's: Normandy

The Poles are the vintagers in Normandy. The Norman vintage consists of apples beaten down by poles. The French say, “En Normandie l'on vendange avee la gaule,” where gaule …

Brewer's: Fair-star

The Princess Fair-star, in love with Prince Chery, whom she sets to obtain for her “the dancing water,” “the singing apple,” and “the green bird” (q.v.). This tale is borrow…

Brewer's: Farnese Hercules

[Far-na'-ze Hercu-lees ]. A name given to Glykon's copy of the famous statue of Lysippos, the Greek sculptor in the time of Alexander the Great. It represents the hero leani…

Brewer's: Egil

Brother of Weland, the Vulcan of Northern mythology. Egil was a great archer, and a tale is told of him the exact counterpart of the famous story about William Tell: One day…

Brewer's: Grig

Merry as a grig. A grig is the sand-eel, and a cricket. There was also a class of vagabond dancers and tumblers who visited ale-houses so called. Hence Levi Solomon, alias C…

Brewer's: Calves' Head Club

Instituted in ridicule of Charles I. The great annual banquet was held on the 30th January, and consisted of a cod's head, to represent the person of Charles Stuart, indepen…

Brewer's: Costard

A clown in Love's Labour's Lost (Shakespeare), who apes the court wit of Queen Elizabeth's time, but misapplies and miscalls like Mrs. Malaprop or Master Dogberry. Costa…

Brewer's: Costermonger

A seller of eatables about the streets, properly an appleseller (from costard, a sort of apple, and monger, “a trader;” Saxon, mangian, “to trade”), a word still retained in…