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88 results found

Brewer's: Apple-pie Bed

A bed in which the sheets are so folded that a person cannot get his legs down; from the apple turnover; or, more probably, a corruption of “a nap-pe-pli bed.” (French, napp…

Brewer's: Apple-pie Order

Prim and precise order. The origin of this phrase is still doubtful. Some suggest cap-à-pie, like a knight in complete armour. Some tell us that apples made into a pie are q…

Brewer's: Malum

in Latin, means an apple; and “malus, mala, malum” means evil. Southey, in his Commonplace Book, quotes a witty etymon given by Nicolson and Burn, making the noun derived fr…

Brewer's: Lamb's Wool

A beverage consisting of the juice of apples roasted over spiced ale. A great day for this drink was the feast of the apple-gathering, called in Irish la mas ubhal, pronounc…

Brewer's: Sodom

Apples of Sodom or mad apples. Strabo, Tacitus, and Josephus describe them as beautiful externally and filled with ashes. These “apples” are in reality gall-nuts produced by…

Brewer's: Iduna

or Idun. Daughter of the dwarf Svald, and wife of Bragi. She kept in a box the golden apples which the gods tasted as often as they wished to renew their youth. Loki on one …

Brewer's: Bob

A shilling. A “bender” is a sixpence. (Compare BAWBEE.) Bob. A set of changes rung on [church] bells: as a “bob major,” a “bob-minor,” a “triple bob.” To give the bob to an…

Brewer's: Panace'a

A universal cure. Panacea was the daughter of Esculapios (god of medicine). The name is evidently composed of two Greek words panakeomai (all I cure). Of course the medicine…

Brewer's: Tell

(William). The boldest of the Swiss mountaineers. The daughter of Leuthold having been insulted by an emissary of Albrecht Gessler, the enraged father killed the ruffian and…

Brewer's: Hercules

(3 syl.), in astronomy, a large northern constellation. “Those stars in the neighbourhood of Hercules are mostly found to be approaching the earth, and those which lie in th…