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88 results found

Brewer's: Golden Ass

The romance of Apuleius, written in the second century, and called the golden because of its excellency. It contains the adventures of Lucian, a young man who, being acciden…

Brewer's: Golden Age

The best age; as the golden age of innocence, the golden age of literature. Chronologers divide the time between Creation and the birth of Christ into ages; Hesiod describes…

Brewer's: Egg.

Eggs. (Anglo-Saxon, æg.) A bad egg. A bad speculation; a man who promises, but whose promises are pie-crust. A duck's egg, in cricket. (See Duck.) Golden eggs. Great profi…

Brewer's: Round as a Ball;

... as an apple, as an orange, etc. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RoundaboutRound Table A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R…

Brewer's: Alcinoo poma dare

(to give apples to Alcinous). To carry coals to Newcastle; sending cider to Herefordshire. The orchards of Alcinous, King of Corcyra (Corfu), were famous for their fruits. …

Brewer's: Frankum's Night

A night in June destructive to apple- and pear-trees. The tale is that one Frankum offered sacrifice in his orchard for an extra fine crop, but a blight ensued, and his tree…

Brewer's: Ladon

One of the dogs of Actæon. Ladon. The dragon which guarded the apples of the Hesperides. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894LadronesLadies A B…

Brewer's: Newtonian Philosophy

The astronomical system at present received, together with that of universal gravitation. So called after Sir Isaac Newton, who established the former and discovered the lat…

Brewer's: Hippomenes

(4 syl.). A Grecian prince, who ran a race with Atalanta for her hand in marriage. He had three golden apples, which he dropped one by one, and which the lady stopped to pic…