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88 results found

Brewer's: Pundit

An East Indian scholar, skilled in Sanskrit, and learned in law, divinity, and science. We use the word for a porcus literarum, one more stocked with book lore than deep eru…

Brewer's: Singapores

(3 syl.), in Stock-Exchange phraseology, means, “British Indian Extension Telegraph Stock.” (See Stock-Exchange Slang.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham B…

Brewer's: Singing-Bread

consecrated by the priest singing. (French, pain à chanter.) The reformers directed that the sacramental bread should be similar in fineness and fashion to the round bread- …

Brewer's: Mezzoramia

An earthly paradise somewhere in Africa, but accessible by only one narrow road. Gaudentio di Lucca discovered this secret road, and resided in this paradise for twenty-five…

Brewer's: Mediaeval

or Middle Ages begin with the Council of Chalcedon (451), and end with the revival of literature in the fifteenth century, according to the Rev. J. G. Dowling. According to …

Brewer's: Median Stone

(The). Said to cure blindness, and, if soaked in ewe's milk, to cure the gout. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MedicineMedian Apples A B C …

Brewer's: Hesperides

(4 syl.). Three sisters who guarded the golden apples which Hera (Juno) received as a marriage gift. They were assisted by the dragon Ladon. Many English poets call the plac…

Brewer's: Dorothea

(St.), represented with a rose-branch in her hand, a wreath of roses on her head, and roses with fruit by her side; sometimes with an angel carrying a basket with three appl…

Brewer's: Punic Faith

Treachery, violation of faith. “Punic faith” is about equal to “Spanish honesty.” The Puni (a corruption of Poeni) were accused by the Romans of breaking faith with them, a …

Brewer's: Golden Ass

The romance of Apuleius, written in the second century, and called the golden because of its excellency. It contains the adventures of Lucian, a young man who, being acciden…