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specific heat

(Encyclopedia) specific heat, ratio of the heat capacity of a substance to the heat capacity of a reference substance, usually water. Heat capacity is the amount of heat needed to change the…


(Encyclopedia) waterway, natural or artificial navigable inland body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any…


(Encyclopedia) neutralization, chemical reaction, according to the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases, in which a water solution of acid is mixed with a water solution of base to form a salt and…

Raoult's law

(Encyclopedia) Raoult's lawRaoult's lawrä&oomacr;lzˈ [key] [for F. M. Raoult, a French physicist and chemist] states that the addition of solute to a liquid lessens the tendency for the liquid to…

gum, colloidal plant substance

(Encyclopedia) gum, term commonly applied to any of a wide variety of colloidal substances somewhat similar in appearance and general characteristics, exuded by or extracted from plants. In this…

Delaware, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) DelawareDelawaredĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], river, c.280 mi (450 km) long, rising in the Catskill Mts., SE N.Y., in east and west branches, which meet at Hancock. It flows SE along the New…


(Encyclopedia) aqueductaqueductăkˈwədŭkt [key] [Lat.,=conveyor of water], channel or trough built to convey water, chiefly for providing a densely populated region with a supply of freshwater. The…

phase diagram

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Phase diagram for a substance, like water, which expands on freezing phase diagram, graph that shows the relation between the solid, liquid, and gaseous states of a substance (…

Galilee, Sea of

(Encyclopedia) Galilee, Sea of,&sp;Lake TiberiasGalilee, Sea of,tībĭrˈēəs [key], or Lake KinneretGalilee, Sea of,kĭnˈərĕtˌ [key], lake, 64 sq mi (166 sq km), 14 mi (23 km) long, and 3 to 7 mi (4.…

boric acid

(Encyclopedia) boric acid, any one of the three chemical compounds, orthoboric (or boracic) acid, metaboric acid, and tetraboric (or pyroboric) acid; the term often refers simply to orthoboric acid.…