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attar of roses

(Encyclopedia) attar of rosesattar of rosesătˈər, ăˈtär [key], or rose oil, fragrant essential oil obtained from roses and used in making perfume. It is one of the most valuable of the volatile oils…

sublimation, in chemistry

(Encyclopedia) sublimationsublimationsŭblĭmāˈshən [key], change of a solid substance directly to a vapor without first passing through the liquid state. The term is also used to describe the reverse…


(Encyclopedia) solvent, constituent of a solution that acts as a dissolving agent. In solutions of solids or gases in a liquid, the liquid is the solvent. In all other solutions (i.e., liquids in…

molar volume

(Encyclopedia) molar volume, the volume occupied by a mole of a substance at STP. According to Avogadro's law, at a given temperature and pressure a given volume of any gas contains the same number…

Frankland, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia) Frankland, Sir Edward, 1825–99, English chemist. He studied under Bunsen and Liebig and taught at several English institutions. In working on the synthesis and isolation of compounds…

ferrous sulfate

(Encyclopedia) ferrous sulfate or iron (II) sulfate, chemical compound, FeSO4. It is known as the monohydrate, FeSO4·H2O; the tetrahydrate, FeSO4·4H2O; the pentahydrate, FeSO4·5H2O; and the…


(Encyclopedia) carbide, any one of a group of compounds that contain carbon and one other element that is either a metal, boron, or silicon. Generally, a carbide is prepared by heating a metal, metal…

catchment area

(Encyclopedia) catchment area or drainage basin, area drained by a stream or other body of water. The limits of a given catchment area are the heights of land—often called drainage divides, or…

hydrogen peroxide

(Encyclopedia) hydrogen peroxide, chemical compound, H2O2, a colorless, syrupy liquid that is a strong oxidizing agent and, in water solution, a weak acid. It is miscible with cold water and is…


(Encyclopedia) borax or sodium tetraborate decahydratesodium tetraborate decahydratesōˈdēəm tĕˌtrəbôrˈāt dĕkˌəhīˈdrāt [key], chemical compound, Na2B4O7·10H2O; sp. gr. 1.73; slightly soluble in cold…