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(Encyclopedia) ethanolethanolĕthˈənōlˌ [key] or ethyl alcohol, CH3CH2OH, a colorless liquid with characteristic odor and taste; commonly called grain alcohol or simply alcohol. Ethanol is used…

formula weight

(Encyclopedia) formula weight, in chemistry, a quantity computed by multiplying the atomic weight (in atomic mass units) of each element in a formula by the number of atoms of that element present in…


(Encyclopedia) hydroplane, small, high-powered racing boat designed to skim along the surface of the water. Its hull is so shaped that at high speeds the bow is tilted up out of the water, reducing…


(Encyclopedia) pump, device to lift, transfer, or increase the pressure of a fluid (gas or liquid) or to create a vacuum in an enclosed space by the removal of a gas (see vacuum pumps under vacuum).…


(Encyclopedia) calorimetrycalorimetrykălˌərĭmˈətrē [key], measurement of heat and the determination of heat capacity. Heat is evolved in exothermic processes and absorbed in endothermic processes;…


(Encyclopedia) wetlands, low-lying ecosystem where the water table is always at or near the surface. It is divided into estuarine and freshwater systems, which may be further subdivided by soil type…

lake, body of water

(Encyclopedia) lake, inland body of standing water occupying a hollow in the earth's surface. The study of lakes and other freshwater basins is known as limnology. Lakes are of particular importance…

mole, in chemistry

(Encyclopedia) mole, in chemistry, a quantity of particles of any type equal to Avogadro's number, or 6.02×1023 particles. One gram-molecular weight of any molecular substance contains exactly one…