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(Encyclopedia) eutrophicationeutrophicationy&oomacr;trōˌfĭkāˈshən [key], aging of a lake by biological enrichment of its water. In a young lake the water is cold and clear, supporting little life…


(Encyclopedia) fluoridationfluoridationfl&oobreve;rˌĭdāˈshən [key], process of adding a fluoride to the water supply of a community to preserve the teeth of the inhabitants. Tooth enamel…


(Encyclopedia) oxide, chemical compound containing oxygen and one other chemical element. Oxides are widely and abundantly distributed in nature. Water is the oxide of hydrogen. Silicon dioxide is…


(Encyclopedia) ammonia, chemical compound, NH3, colorless gas that is about one half as dense as air at ordinary temperatures and pressures. It has a characteristic pungent, penetrating odor. Ammonia…


(Encyclopedia) deuteriumdeuteriumd&oomacr;tērˈēəm [key], isotope of hydrogen with mass no. 2. The deuterium nucleus, called a deuteron, contains one proton and one neutron. Deuterium is also…