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(Encyclopedia) butterfly, any of a large group of insects found throughout most of the world; with the moths, they comprise the order Lepidoptera. There are about 12 families of butterflies. Most…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Wood lily, Lilium philadelphicum lily, common name for the Liliaceae, a plant family numbering several thousand species of as many as 300 genera, widely distributed over the…


(Encyclopedia) turtle, a reptile of the order Chelonia, with strong, beaked, toothless jaws and, usually, an armorlike shell. The shell normally consists of bony plates overlaid with horny shields.…


(Encyclopedia) jack-o'-lantern, common name for the mushroom species Clitocybe illudens.


(Encyclopedia) CITES: see Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Japanese flowering cherry

(Encyclopedia) Japanese flowering cherry, any of a variety of flowering cherry species native to East Asia.

ground pine

(Encyclopedia) ground pine, common name for several creeping plants, particularly species of club moss.


(Encyclopedia) meadowlark, common North American meadow bird of the family Icteridae, also called meadow starling. Unlike other members of the family, which comprises blackbirds, grackles, orioles,…

Integrated Pest Management

(Encyclopedia) Integrated Pest Management (IPM), planned program that coordinates economically and environmentally acceptable methods of pest control with the judicious and minimal use of toxic…


(Encyclopedia) locoweed or crazyweed [Span. loco=crazy], any of several American species of the genera Astragalus and Oxytropus, north-temperate leguminous plants of the family Leguminosae (pulse…