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kangaroo rat

(Encyclopedia) kangaroo rat, small, jumping desert rodent, genus Dipodomys, related to the pocket mouse. There are about 20 kangaroo rat species, found throughout the arid regions of Mexico and the S…


(Encyclopedia) jerboajerboajərbōˈə [key], name for the small, jumping rodents of the family Dipodidae, found in arid parts of Asia, N Africa, and SE Europe. Jerboas have extremely long hind feet and…


(Encyclopedia) lungfish, common name for any of a group of fish belonging to the families Ceratodontidae, Lepidosirenidae, and Protopteridae, found in the rivers of Australia, South America, and…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Millipede, representative of the class Diplopoda millipedemillipedemĭlˈəpēdˌ [key], elongated arthropod having many body segments and pairs of legs. Millipedes, sometimes…

mimic thrush

(Encyclopedia) mimic thrush, common name for members of the Mimidae, a family of exclusively American birds, allied to the wrens and thrushes, that includes the mockingbird, the catbird, and the…

morning glory

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Morning glory, Convolvulus arvensis morning glory, common name for members of the Convolvulaceae, a family of herbs, shrubs, and small trees (many of them climbing forms)…

assassin bug

(Encyclopedia) assassin bug, common name for members of the family Reduviidae, one of the largest and most varied groups belonging to the order Hemiptera (suborder Heteroptera). Assassin bugs are…

electric fish

(Encyclopedia) electric fish, name for various fish that produce electricity by means of organs usually developed from modified muscle tissue. The electric eels of South America are freshwater…

elephant seal

(Encyclopedia) elephant seal or sea elephant, a true seal of the genus Mirounga. It is the largest of the fin-footed mammals, or pinnipeds, exceeding the walrus in size. There is a northern species,…


(Encyclopedia) gazelle, name for the many species of delicate, graceful antelopes of the genera Gazella, Eudorcas, and Nanger, inhabiting arid, open country. Most gazelles are found only in Africa,…