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(Encyclopedia) locoweed or crazyweed [Span. loco=crazy], any of several American species of the genera Astragalus and Oxytropus, north-temperate leguminous plants of the family Leguminosae (pulse…


(Encyclopedia) alyssumalyssuməlĭsˈəm [key], any species of the genus Alyssum of the family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae; mustard family), annual and perennial herbs native to the Mediterranean area. A…

Dobzhansky, Theodosius

(Encyclopedia) Dobzhansky, TheodosiusDobzhansky, Theodosiusdôbzhänˈskē [key], 1900–1975, American geneticist, b. Russia, grad. Univ. of Kiev, 1921. He emigrated to the United States in 1927 and was…


(Encyclopedia) brodiea or brodiaeabrodiaeaboth: brədēˈə [key], any plant of the genus Brodiaea, herbs of the family Liliaceae (lily family), with narrow leaves and blue or purple star-shaped flowers…

agar, substance obtained from seaweed

(Encyclopedia) agaragaräˈgär, āˈ–, ăgˈär [key], product obtained from several species of red algae, or seaweed, chiefly from the Ceylon, or Jaffna, moss (Gracilaria lichenoides) and species of…


(Encyclopedia) TriceratopsTriceratopstrīsĕrˈətŏps [key] [Gr., = three-horn face], genus of ornithischian quadruped dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous period. Because of some variations in sample…


(Encyclopedia) plantainplantainplănˈtĭn [key], any plant of the genus Plantago, chiefly annual or perennial weeds of wide distribution. Many species are lawn pests and the pollen is often a hay fever…

sea lily

(Encyclopedia) sea lily, stalked echinoderm of the class Crinoidea. Sea lilies are ancient, having reached their peak in the Middle Mississippian period; about 5,000 fossil species are known. About…

Randall, John Ernest, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Randall, John Ernest, Jr., 1924–2020, American ichthyologist, b. Los Angeles, Ph.D. Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa, 1955. A marine taxonomist, he named 30 new genera and hundreds of new…


(Encyclopedia) ragweed, any plant of the genus Ambrosia, coarse, weedy herbs belonging to the family Asteraceae (aster family), most of which are native to America. They have inconspicuous greenish…