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lily of the valley

(Encyclopedia) lily of the valley, common name for either of the two species of Convallaria, spring-blooming perennials of the family Liliaceae (lily family). C. majalis, the species usually in…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria latifolia arrowhead, any plant of the genus Sagittaria, widely distributed marsh or aquatic herbs of the primitive family Alismataceae (water…


(Encyclopedia) oleasteroleasterōˌlēăsˈtər [key], common name for members of the Elaeagnaceae, a family principally of shrubs with leathery leaves and a dense covering of glistening hairs. Most…


(Encyclopedia) limpet, marine gastropod mollusk with a simple, flattened, conical shell, found in cooler waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Certain species creep over rocks, feeding on…


(Encyclopedia) phlox, common name for plants of the genus Phlox and for members of the Polemoniaceae, a family of herbs (and some shrubs and vines) found chiefly in the W United States. The family…


(Encyclopedia) chinquapinchinquapinchĭngˈkəpĭn [key] [Algonquian], name for certain American species of the chestnut genus of the family Fagaceae (beech family) and for a related species, the golden…

dwarf tree

(Encyclopedia) dwarf tree, in horticultural practice, a tree artificially kept to a smaller size than is normal for average members of the species. This is usually accomplished either by limiting its…

Brazil nut

(Encyclopedia) Brazil nut, common name for the Lecythidaceae, a family of tropical trees. It includes the anchovy pear (Grias cauliflora), a West Indian species with edible fruit used for pickles,…


(Encyclopedia) buckthorn, common name for some members of the Rhamnaceae, a family of woody shrubs, small trees, and climbing vines widely distributed throughout the world. The buckthorns (several…

Census of Marine Life

(Encyclopedia) Census of Marine Life, an international program (2001–2010) to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of living organisms in the oceans. A project involving more…