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bulbul, in zoology, bird

(Encyclopedia) bulbulbulbulb&oobreve;lˈb&oobreve;l [key], bird, common name for members of the family Pycnonotidae, comprising 119 species of medium-sized, dull-colored passerine birds with…

Tobias, Philip Valentine

(Encyclopedia) Tobias, Philip Valentine, 1925–2012, South African paleoanthropologist, b. Durban. He graduated from the Univ. of Witwatersrand (Ph.D., 1953) and taught there for five decades. Tobias…


(Encyclopedia) waterway, natural or artificial navigable inland body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any…

Ypres, battles of

(Encyclopedia) Ypres, battles of, three major engagements of World War I fought in and around the town of Ypres in SW Belgium. The first battle of Ypres (Oct.–Nov., 1914) was the last of the series…


(Encyclopedia) bittern, common name for migratory marsh birds of the family Ardeidae (heron family). The American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), often called “stake driver” because of a territorial…

Treisman, Anne

(Encyclopedia) Treisman, Anne, 1935–2018, British cognitive psychologist, b. Anne Marie Taylor, Ph.D. Oxford, 1962. She taught at Oxford from 1968, the Univ. of British Columbia from 1978, Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) taguataguatäˈgwä [key], fruit of the ivory, or ivory-nut, palms (Phytelephas species), which flourish in tropical America from Paraguay to Panama. The female palms bear large woody,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Biceps of arm bicepsbicepsbīˈsĕps [key], any muscle having two heads, or fixed ends of attachment, notably the biceps brachii at the front of the upper arm and the biceps…


(Encyclopedia) cerrado, tropical ecological region, c. 770,000 sq mi (2 million sq km), Brazil, encompassing several states and the federal district and extending into Bolivia and Paraguay. Located…

Aetolian League

(Encyclopedia) Aetolian League, confederation centering in the cities of Aetolia. It was formed in the 4th cent. b.c. and began to gain power in the 3d cent. in opposing the Achaean League and the…