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(Encyclopedia) swordfish, large food and game fish, Xiphias gladius, of the warmer Atlantic and Pacific waters. It is named for its sharp, broad, elongated upper jaw, which it uses to flail and…


(Encyclopedia) Taiho, 1940–2013, Japanese sumo wrestler. The son of a Japanese mother and a Ukrainian father, he was born on Sakhalin Island as Ivan Boryshko; his Japanese name Koki Naya. At the end…

personal computer

(Encyclopedia) personal computer (PC), small but powerful computer primarily used in an office or home without the need to be connected to a larger computer. PCs evolved after the development of the…

Mangas Coloradas

(Encyclopedia) Mangas ColoradasMangas Coloradasmängˈgäs kōlōräˈᵺäs [key] [Span.,=red sleeves], c.1797–1863, chief of the Mimbrenos group of Apache of SW New Mexico. Many of the Mimbrenos were…

leaf insect

(Encyclopedia) leaf insect, common name given to herbivorous insects of leaflike appearance forming a single family in the order Phasmida. Leaf insects are green and have extremely flattened,…


(Encyclopedia) kitharakitharakĭthˈərə [key] or citharacitharasĭthˈ– [key], musical instrument of the ancient Greeks. It was a plucked instrument, a larger and stronger form of the lyre, used by…


(Encyclopedia) cichlidcichlidsĭkˈlĭd [key], common name for members of the family Cichlidae, more that 1,600 species of spiny-finned freshwater fishes of moderate or small size, native to Africa, S…


(Encyclopedia) globe, spherical map of the earth (terrestrial globe) or the sky (celestial globe). The terrestrial globe provides the only graphic representation of the areas of the earth without…

Puryear, Martin

(Encyclopedia) Puryear, Martin, 1941–2019, American sculptor, b. Washington, D.C. An African American, he served in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, and became interested in African crafts and in the…

pyroclastic flow

(Encyclopedia) pyroclastic flow, turbulent, fluidized mixture of rock, volcanic ash, and hot gas that moves like an avalanche away from a volcanic eruption. A pyroclastic flow may contain a mix of…