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(Encyclopedia) chamoischamoisshămˈē [key], hollow-horned, hoofed mammal, Rupicapra rupicapra, found in the mountains of Europe and the E Mediterranean. It is about the size of a large goat and is…


(Encyclopedia) dasyuredasyuredăsˈēy&oobreve;rˌ [key], name for several small, predatory marsupials, or pouched mammals, of the family Dasyuridea, found in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea.…

Katz, Sir Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Katz, Sir Bernard, 1911–2003, British biophysicist, b. Germany, M.D. Univ. of Leipzig, 1934; Ph.D. University College, London, 1938. Katz became a British subject in 1941. He was a…

English cocker spaniel

(Encyclopedia) English cocker spaniel, breed of compact sporting dog perfected in England, whose development may be traced back to the original spaniels of Spain. It stands about 16 in. (40.6 cm)…


(Encyclopedia) elasticity, the ability of a body to resist a distorting influence or stress and to return to its original size and shape when the stress is removed. All solids are elastic for small…

Ypres, battles of

(Encyclopedia) Ypres, battles of, three major engagements of World War I fought in and around the town of Ypres in SW Belgium. The first battle of Ypres (Oct.–Nov., 1914) was the last of the series…

bulbul, in zoology, bird

(Encyclopedia) bulbulbulbulb&oobreve;lˈb&oobreve;l [key], bird, common name for members of the family Pycnonotidae, comprising 119 species of medium-sized, dull-colored passerine birds with…


(Encyclopedia) bittern, common name for migratory marsh birds of the family Ardeidae (heron family). The American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), often called “stake driver” because of a territorial…

Aetolian League

(Encyclopedia) Aetolian League, confederation centering in the cities of Aetolia. It was formed in the 4th cent. b.c. and began to gain power in the 3d cent. in opposing the Achaean League and the…


(Encyclopedia) waterway, natural or artificial navigable inland body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any…