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(Encyclopedia) Niles. 1 Village (1990 pop. 28,284), Cook co., NE Ill., a residential suburb adjacent to Chicago, on the Chicago River; settled 1832, inc. 1899. The village has a replica (half size)…


(Encyclopedia) incunabulaincunabulaĭnˌky&oobreve;năbˈy&oobreve;lə [key], plural of incunabulum [Late Lat.,=cradle (books); i.e., books of the cradle days of printing], books printed in the…


(Encyclopedia) kookaburrakookaburrak&oobreve;kˈəbûrˌə [key], common name for a squat, long-tailed Australian kingfisher, Dacelo novaeguineae. It is one of the largest birds of the family…


(Encyclopedia) lyrebird, common name for Australian passerine birds named for the appearance of the tail plumage of the male superb lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae, when displayed during courtship.…

McCay, Winsor

(Encyclopedia) McCay, Winsor, b. 1867 or 1869, d. 1934, American newspaper cartoonist and film animator, b. Canada or Spring Lake, Mich. McCay began painting signs and posters in Chicago, later…


(Encyclopedia) DemocritusDemocritusdĭmŏkˈrĭtəs [key], c.460–c.370 b.c., Greek philosopher of Abdera; pupil of Leucippus. His theory of the nature of the physical world was the most radical and…


(Encyclopedia) hundred, in English history, a subdivision of a shire, first mentioned in the 10th cent. and surviving as a unit of local government into the 19th cent. It is thought that in origin…


(Encyclopedia) hypothalamushypothalamushīˌpəthălˈəməs [key], an important supervisory center in the brain, rich in ganglia, nerve fibers, and synaptic connections. It is composed of several sections…


(Encyclopedia) schistschistshĭst [key], metamorphic rock having a foliated, or plated, structure called schistosity in which the component flaky minerals are visible to the naked eye. Schists are…

Rayonnant style

(Encyclopedia) Rayonnant styleRayonnant stylerāˈənănt [key], the middle period (c.1240–1350) of French Gothic architecture, so termed from the characteristic radiating tracery of the rose window. In…