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Brewer's: Quixada

(Gutierre). Lord of Villagarcia. He discharged a javelin at Sire de Haburdin with such force as to pierce the left shoulder, overthrow the knight, and pin him to the ground. Don Quixote…

Brewer's: Hanging Gale

(The). The custom of taking six months' grace in the payment of rent which prevailed in Ireland. “We went to collect the rents due the 25th March, but which, owing to the custom which…

Brewer's: Horse-shoes and Nails

(for rent). In 1251 Walterle Brun, farrier, in the Strand, London, was to have a piece of land in the parish of St. Clements, to place there a forge, for which he was to pay the parish six…

Brewer's: Rack and Manger

Housekeeping. To lie at rack and manger. To live at reckless expense. When Virtue was a country maide, And had no skill to set up trade. She came up with a carrier's jade, And lay at rack…

Brewer's: Dee Mills

If you had the rent of Dee Mills, you would spend it all. Dee Mills, in Cheshire, used to yield a very large annual rent. (Cheshire proverb.) There was a jolly miller Lived on the river…

Brewer's: Quit

Discharged from an obligation, “acquitted.” To John I owed great obligation; But John unhappily thought fit To publish it to all the nation- Now I and John are fairly quit. Prior. Cry…

Brewer's: Rack

A flying scud, drifting clouds. (Icelandic, rek, drift; verb, recka, to drive.) The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it…

Brewer's: Wroth Money

or Wroth Silver. Money paid to the lord in lieu of castle guard for military service; a tribute paid for killing accidentally some person of note; a…

2 Kings: 5

2 Kings Chapter 5 1 Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria:…