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tenure, in law

(Encyclopedia) tenure, in law, manner in which property in land is held. The nature of tenure has long been of great importance, both in law and in the broader economic and political context. Tenure…

agrarian laws

(Encyclopedia) agrarian laws, in ancient Rome, the laws regulating the disposition of public lands (ager publicus). It was the practice of Rome to confiscate part of the land of conquered cities and…


(Encyclopedia) serf, under feudalism, peasant laborer who can be generally characterized as hereditarily attached to the manor in a state of semibondage, performing the servile duties of the lord (…


(Encyclopedia) economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society (see…

Penal Laws

(Encyclopedia) Penal Laws, in English and Irish history, term generally applied to the body of discriminatory and oppressive legislation directed chiefly against Roman Catholics but also against…

Look at These Prices!: Tinkering with Markets

Tinkering with MarketsLook at These Prices!IntroductionLet's Stretch: Elasticity of DemandWhat Determines Elasticity?Tinkering with MarketsThe Price You Gotta Pay Up to now we have been examining…


(Encyclopedia) bee, name for flying insects of the superfamily Apoidea, in the same order as the ants and the wasps. Bees are characterized by their enlarged hind feet, typically equipped with pollen…

1996 Tony Awards

PlayMaster ClassMusicalRentRevival—PlayA Delicate BalanceRevival—MusicalThe King and IActor—PlayGeorge Grizzard, A Delicate BalanceActress—PlayZoe Caldwell, Master ClassActor—MusicalNathan…

Brewer's: Black Mail

Money given to free-booters by way of exempting property from depredation. (Anglo-Saxon, mal, “rent-tax;” French, maille, an old coin worth .083 farthing). Grass mail was rent paid for…