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Brewer's: Plan of Campaign

(The). Often cited shortly as “The Plan,” promulgated by John Dillon in October, 1886. It provided that Irish tenants on an estate should band together, and determine what abatement of…

1998 Study of Housing Costs

According to the E &Y Kenneth Leventhal Eighth Annual Housing Costs Study, Oklahoma City remained the city where housing took the smallest bite from employee paychecks in 1998. New York…

Brewer's: Gavelkind

(g hard). A tenure in Wales, Kent, and Northumberland, whereby land descended from the father to all his sons in equal proportions. The youngest had the homestead, and the eldest the horse…

The Iliad of Homer: Notes to the Reader

Preface 2 Notes to the Reader The reader will perhaps also be helped by the following list of the Greek and Latin names of the gods and goddesses who play important parts in the narrative…

Amy Lowell: Reaping

ReapingYou want to know what's the matter with me, do yer? My! ain't men blinder'n moles? It ain't nothin' new, be sure o' that. Why, ef you'd had eyes you'd ha' seed Me changin' under your…

Tips to Save Money on Family Vacations

With the country mired in a recession, many American families are looking for ways to cut back on expenditures and trim their budgets. At the same time, parents recognize the benefits of…