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(Encyclopedia) rent, in law, periodic payment by a tenant for the use of another's property. In economics, its meaning is more complex, but since the word rent means any income or yield from an…

rent control

(Encyclopedia) rent control, in economics and law, government regulation of rent to prevent unreasonable or excessive increases. In the United States, the federal government imposed rent control (and…

single tax

(Encyclopedia) single tax, any levy that serves as the government's only source of revenue. Generally, however, it is understood to mean a tax derived from economic rent and used as the sole source…

Brewer's: Catholic Rent

(The), 1823. The subscription of ld. per month towards the expenses of the Catholic Association (q.v.). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Catholic…

Brewer's: Driving for Rent

in Ireland, was a summary way of recovering rent by driving cattle to a pound, and keeping them till the rent was paid, or selling them by auction. “It was determined that I and the…

Brewer's: Quit Rent

A rent formerly paid by a tenant whereby he was released from feudal service. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894QuixadaQuit A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Rack-rent

The actual value or rent of a tenement, and not that modified form on which the rates and taxes are usually levied. (Saxon, raecan, to stretch; Dutch, racken.) “A rent which is equivalent…

Brewer's: Peppercorn Rent

(A). A nominal rent. A pepper-berry is of no appreciable value, and given as rent is a simple acknowledgment that the tenement virtually belongs to the person to whom the peppercorn is…

Brewer's: Fee-farm-rent

is where an estate is granted, subject to a rent in fee of at least one-fourth its value. It is rent paid on lands let to farm, and not let in recompense of service at a greatly reduced…

Spence, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Spence, Thomas, 1750–1814, English agrarian socialist. A forerunner of the single taxers (see single tax), he devised a scheme by which the parishes would assume ownership of the land…