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Vélez de Guevara, Luis

(Encyclopedia) Vélez de Guevara, LuisVélez de Guevara, Luisl&oomacr;ēsˈ vāˈlāth ᵺā gāväˈrä [key], 1579?–1644, Spanish playwright and novelist. He was a follower of Lope de Vega and wrote many…

Shore, Jane

(Encyclopedia) Shore, Jane, or Elizabeth Shore, d. 1527?, mistress of Edward IV of England. The wife of William Shore, a goldsmith, she became c.1470 mistress to Edward IV and exerted a great…

Reymont, Władysław Stanisław

(Encyclopedia) Reymont, Władysław StanisławReymont, Władysław Stanisławvlädĭsˈläf stänēsˈläf rāˈmônt [key], 1867?–1925, Polish short-story writer and novelist. Reymont's poverty-stricken farm…

Lowell, Josephine Shaw

(Encyclopedia) Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 1843–1905, American political reformer, b. Roxbury, Mass. Lowell, brother of Robert Gould Shaw and widow of…


(Encyclopedia) fakirfakirfäkērˈ, fāˈkər [key], [Arab.,=poverty], in Islam, usually an initiate in a Sufi order. The title fakir is borne with the understanding that poverty is the need to be in…

Yunus, Muhammad

(Encyclopedia) Yunus, Muhammad, 1940–, Bangladeshi economist and banker, b. Chittagong (then in British India), grad. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (Ph.D. 1971). Yunus, who taught economics in…

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Proudhon, Pierre JosephProudhon, Pierre Josephpyĕr zhôzĕfˈ pr&oomacr;dhôNˈ [key], 1809–65, French social theorist. Of a poor family, Proudhon won an education through scholarships…

Delaware River Basin Compact

(Encyclopedia) Delaware River Basin CompactDelaware River Basin Compactdĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], providing for the utilization and development of the water resources of the Delaware River basin. In 1961…

Briosco, Andrea

(Encyclopedia) Briosco, AndreaBriosco, Andreaändrĕˈä brēôsˈkō [key], 1470?–1532, Italian architect and sculptor, known also as Andrea Riccio [curly-headed], b. Padua. As an architect, he created…

Shafter, William Rufus

(Encyclopedia) Shafter, William Rufus, 1835–1906, American general, b. Galesburg, Mich. He served in the Union army during the Civil War and in 1867 joined the regular army, rising to become…