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(Encyclopedia) warfarinwarfarinwôrˈfərĭn [key], anticoagulant used to treat blood clots. In large doses it causes bleeding, and in patients with genetic variations that increase sensitivity to the…


(Encyclopedia) biofeedback, method for learning to increase one's ability to control biological responses, such as blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate. Sophisticated instruments are often…


(Encyclopedia) boiler, device for generating steam. It consists of two principal parts: the furnace, which provides heat, usually by burning a fuel, and the boiler proper, a device in which the heat…

relapsing fever

(Encyclopedia) relapsing fever, infectious disease caused by a spirochete bacteria of the genus Borrelia and characterized by a high fever that breaks and then recurs a one to two weeks later.…


(Encyclopedia) watch, small, portable timepiece usually designed to be worn on the person. Other kinds of timepieces are generally referred to as clocks. At one time it was generally believed that…


(Encyclopedia) nicotine, C10H14N2, poisonous, pale yellow, oily liquid alkaloid with a pungent odor and an acrid taste. It turns brown on exposure to air. Nicotine, a naturally occurring constituent…


(Encyclopedia) glacier, moving mass of ice that survives year to year, formed by the compacting of snow into névé and then into granular ice and set in motion outward and downward by the force of…

May, Philip William

(Encyclopedia) May, Philip William (Phil May), 1864–1903, English pen-and-ink caricaturist, b. Leeds. After living in poverty for many years, he made numerous drawings for the St. Stephen's Review.…

Montt, Manuel

(Encyclopedia) Montt, ManuelMontt, Manuelmänwĕlˈ [key]Montt, Manuel mōnt [key], 1809–80, president of Chile (1851–61). From a poverty-stricken childhood he rose to become one of Chile's most notable…


(Encyclopedia) arrhythmiaarrhythmiaārĭᵺˈmēə [key], disturbance in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. Various arrhythmias can be symptoms of serious heart disorders; however, they are usually of no…