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Hodgson, Ralph

(Encyclopedia) Hodgson, Ralph, 1871–1962, English poet. He wrote five volumes of poetry before his collected poems appeared in 1917. After a silence of nearly 40 years—during which time he taught in…


(Encyclopedia) SeleneSelenesəlēˈnē [key], in Greek mythology and mythology, moon goddess; daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia and sister of the sun god Helios. There was no known moon cult…


(Encyclopedia) CorinnaCorinnakərĭnˈə [key], fl. c.500? b.c., Greek poet of Tanagra. Her verse, fragments of which remain, deals with mythological themes and is written in Boeotian dialect. There…

Andersen, Benny

(Encyclopedia) Andersen, BennyAndersen, Bennyänˈərsən, ănˈdər– [key], 1929–, Danish writer and musician. Andersen is a noted jazz artist, composer, and writer. He has written novels, children's books…

Browne, William

(Encyclopedia) Browne, William (William Browne of Tavistock)Browne, Williamtăvˈĭstŏkˌ [key], 1591?–1645?, English poet. An imitator of Spenser, he did his finest work in pastoral poetry, of which…

Sandburg, Carl

(Encyclopedia) Sandburg, Carl, 1878–1967, American poet, journalist, and biographer, b. Galesburg, Ill. The son of poor Swedish immigrants, he left school at the age of 13 and became a day laborer.…

Apollinaris Sidonius

(Encyclopedia) Apollinaris Sidonius (Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius)Apollinaris Sidoniusəpŏlĭnârˈĭs sīdōˈnēəs, sĭdōˈ– [key], fl. 455–75, Latin writer, b. Lyons. He had a minor role in imperial…

Abu Nuwas

(Encyclopedia) Abu NuwasAbu Nuwasäˈb&oomacr; n&oomacr;wäsˈ [key], c.750–c.810, Arab poet, b. Ahvaz, Persia. He spent most of his life in Baghdad. High in favor with the caliphs Harun ar-…

Czuczor, Gergely

(Encyclopedia) Czuczor, GergelyCzuczor, Gergelygĕrˈgĕlĭ ts&oobreve;ˈtsôr [key], 1800–1866, Hungarian philologist and poet, a Benedictine monk. With John Fogarasi he compiled a Hungarian…

Dunash ben Labrat

(Encyclopedia) Dunash ben LabratDunash ben Labratd&oomacr;ˈnäsh bĕn läˈbrät [key], 920–90, Hebrew grammarian and poet, b. Fès. He was also called Rabbi Adonim Halevy (ha-Levi). He wrote an…