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Dunash ben Labrat

(Encyclopedia) Dunash ben LabratDunash ben Labratd&oomacr;ˈnäsh bĕn läˈbrät [key], 920–90, Hebrew grammarian and poet, b. Fès. He was also called Rabbi Adonim Halevy (ha-Levi). He wrote an…

Abu Nuwas

(Encyclopedia) Abu NuwasAbu Nuwasäˈb&oomacr; n&oomacr;wäsˈ [key], c.750–c.810, Arab poet, b. Ahvaz, Persia. He spent most of his life in Baghdad. High in favor with the caliphs Harun ar-…

Blunden, Edmund Charles

(Encyclopedia) Blunden, Edmund Charles, 1896–1974, English author. Beginning his career as a poet of nature, Blunden became a cosmopolitan teacher and writer. His prose works include Undertones of…

Toldy, Ferencz

(Encyclopedia) Toldy, FerenczToldy, Ferenczfĕˈrĕnts tôlˈdĭ [key], 1805–75, father of Hungarian literary history. Toldy edited various literary journals and founded (1842) Nemzeti Könyvtár [national…

Bijns, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Bijns, AnnaBijns, Annaäˈnä bīns [key], 1494?–1575?, Flemish poet of Antwerp. Her three volumes (1528, 1548, 1567) of lyric verse place her among the foremost Dutch poets of her age.…

O'Connor, Frank

(Encyclopedia) O'Connor, Frank, 1903–66, Irish short-story writer, whose name originally was Michael O'Donovan. He was a librarian in Dublin and later a director of the Abbey Theatre (1936–39). O'…

Howe, Julia Ward

(Encyclopedia) Howe, Julia Ward, 1819–1910, American author and social reformer, b. New York City. Although unhappily married, she assisted her husband, Samuel Gridley Howe, in his philanthropic…

Bly, Robert Elwood

(Encyclopedia) Bly, Robert Elwood, 1926–2021, American writer, translator, editor, and publisher, b. Lac qui Parle County, Mn., Harvard (B.A., 1950),…

Cabral de Melo Neto, João

(Encyclopedia) Cabral de Melo Neto, JoãoCabral de Melo Neto, JoãozhwouN [key]Cabral de Melo Neto, João, [key]Cabral de Melo Neto, João kəbrälˈ [key] Cabral de Melo Neto, Joãodĭ māˈlü nāˈtü [key],…