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John II, Spanish king of Castile and León

(Encyclopedia) John II, 1405–54, Spanish king of Castile and León (1406–54), son and successor of Henry III. He was little interested in government, which he entrusted to his favorite Alvaro de Luna…

Notker Balbulus

(Encyclopedia) Notker BalbulusNotker Balbulusnōtˈkər bălˈby&oobreve;ləs [key], c.840–912, German monk and scholar, abbot of St. Gall (from 890). He composed liturgical poetry and music. Notker's…

Manrique, Jorge

(Encyclopedia) Manrique, JorgeManrique, Jorgehôrˈhā mänrēˈkā [key], c.1440–1479, Spanish poet and soldier. Most of his verse is undistinguished, but his Coplas [couplets], on his father's death, are…

Petőfi, Sándor

(Encyclopedia) Petőfi, SándorPetőfi, Sándorshänˈdôr pĕˈtöfē [key], 1823–49, Hungarian poet and patriot. A failure as an actor, Petőfi became the author of exquisite lyrics. He composed the national…


(Encyclopedia) AnacreonAnacreonənăkˈrēən, –ŏn [key], c.570–c.485 b.c., Greek lyric poet, b. Teos in Ionia. He lived at Samos and at Athens, where his patron was Hipparchus. His poetry, graceful and…

Walcott, Derek Alton

(Encyclopedia) Walcott, Derek Alton, 1930–2017, West Indian dramatist and poet, b. Castries, St. Lucia, grad. Univ. of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, 1953. His grandfathers were both white, one of…

Italian literature

(Encyclopedia) Italian literature, writings in the Italian language, as distinct from earlier works in Latin and French. In the second half of the 19th cent. Francesco De Sanctis, literary critic…


(Encyclopedia) SibawaihiSibawaihisēbäwīhē [key], c.760–793, Persian grammarian, considered the most important Arabic grammarian. His book al-Kitah fi'l nahwi is the first complete Arabic grammar,…

Scott, Duncan Campbell

(Encyclopedia) Scott, Duncan Campbell, 1862–1947, Canadian poet, b. Ottawa. He was a civil servant in the Dept. of Indian Affairs from 1879 to 1932, becoming its head in 1913. Scott began publication…

Baring, Maurice

(Encyclopedia) Baring, Maurice, 1874–1945, English author. After a career in the diplomatic service, he turned to journalism in 1904. A war correspondent during the Russo-Japanese War, he wrote…